Our Products

With the v4.0 release, we’ve introduced five specific BeyondETFs products to address a range of devices, use cases and investing styles.

BeyondETFs Pro for iPhone – this app package, downloaded from the Apple App store incorporates the necessary functionality for BeyondETFs Pro – Scorecard, Buy, Sell.

BeyondETFs for iPhone – from within the app package the choice the user makes on subscription selection, provides the personality of this product. Choosing the Basic option offers a lower monthly and lower annual price, and less functionality, but allows the user all the information that every investor needs to know – what to buy and when to sell. There is no Scorecard, Buy or Sell tabs at the bottom. Instead, the Basic user simply taps the stock they own and taps the stock when it is time to sell. No need to create an exact digital twin of your portfolio, and no constant reminder of how much you’re beating the Index.

BeyondETFs for iPad – using the same app package as the other Apple BeyondETFs products, we’re able to offer a dynamic and beautiful presentation that leverages the actions you’ve already implemented in the iPhone. We’re using accounts to share the basic or pro digital twin of your stock portfolio.

Beyond ETFs Pro for Android – this app package, downloaded from the Google Play store incorporates the same and necessary functionality for BeyondETFs Pro – Scorecard, Buy, Sell.

BeyondETFs for Android – costing less than a subscription for the BeyondETFs Pro, this product offers a simpler experience but the same information – what to buy and what to sell.