… some publishers depend on it.
I had a big laugh yesterday. You see, FOMO is the “Fear Of Missing Out,” which is a common ploy for many marketers attempting to prey on their potential customers’ fear of not having the latest, the coolest or the home run investment idea. And, as I witnessed yesterday, financial newsletter publishers are not exempt from playing the FOMO card.
Just a few weeks ago, it was all about cryptocurrencies, and why readers needed to find out which were going to be the winners. Now, which is what almost made me spit out my morning coffee, it was all about the marijuana stocks.
Yes, the “Pot Play.”
I suppose, as the US legal framework moves state-by-state in support of marijuana for medicinal purposes and then controlled release for recreational use, it might be a high growth market. But, marijuana use, possession and retailing is still contrary to federal law – and there’s the rub. Federally regulated banks refuse to let marijuana entrepreneurs open accounts for fear of being in contravention of US Treasury regulations respecting financial criminal controls. So, naturally, these businesses have to use cash to accept payment from their customers. Lots of cash. This makes them easy targets for criminals, extortion, theft and for legalizing states, way harder to report taxes collected and pay the taxes. The uncertainty makes it very risky indeed.
In contrast, there is no marijuana stocks in the S&P100. There is no FOMO with the Brockmann Method.
Each of the companies listed in the Buy* zone are the largest and best capitalized companies in America and probably among the best run companies in the world.
There’s no emotions involved here. No fear of anything. Just responsible purchases of shares in a few large capitalized companies held until sufficiently large number of other stocks in the same category (large capitalized companies) have higher price momentum. This simple process yields returns that usually Beat the Index!
On my own account, despite the ups and downs of the market recently, Beyond ETFs Pro reports a gap between my digital twin account and the Index of 51.2%. This is instantly available for the BeyondETFs Pro subscriber on the default Scorecard view. Your results will vary. Even still, that class of result is more than comforting. It is mind-blowing. No fear here.